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Our expert speakers will help you connect and engage with your ideal students through:
Understanding the challenges potential students are interested in solving. |
Highlighting how to connect with prospective students at different points during their decision journey. |
Showing you how to create strategies that resonate with different types of students. |
Thurs. Aug. 25th
12:00pm EST
Creator Economy 101: How Higher Ed can unlock the power of creator and influencer marketing
Tues. Sept. 6th
12:00pm EST
Modeling inclusive language (for Higher Ed enrollment and marketing teams)
Thurs. Sept. 22nd
Thurs. Oct. 20th
12:00pm EST
Marketing to Gen Z (Part 1)
Marketing to Gen Z (Part 2)
Tues., Oct 4th
12:00pm EST
Attracting Nontraditional Students
Tues., Nov 1st
12:00pm EST
Creating more inclusive, equitable content across the recruitment funnel
Thurs., Nov 17th
12:00pm EST
Higher Education Enrollment marketing and the Metaverse